Welcome to Christ Centered Beauty!

At Christ Centered Beauty, our mission is to love God and His people through our beauty products. We believe that true beauty comes from a heart-centered on Christ, and our products are designed to encourage hearts, strengthen relationships with Jesus, and inspire boldness in faith. We are committed to sourcing high-quality, ethically sourced, and cruelty-free ingredients to provide the best products and contribute to animal welfare. Our ultimate goal is to be a beacon of light and love in the beauty industry and to empower our customers to embrace their true beauty and identity in Christ.

Bible Study Collection




At Christ Centered Beauty, we believe that beauty can go beyond the surface, and that's why our nail polish colors are more than just pretty shades—they carry the power of God's Word. Each nail polish color is carefully named after a Bible verse, reminding you of the love, hope, and wisdom in its pages. Whether you're wearing "The Creation Story: Genesis 1-2" or "Romans 8:1-2," we hope these vibrant hues serve as a daily reminder of the goodness of our Heavenly Father.

But our mission doesn't stop there! We invite you to join us in spreading the love of Christ by gifting our nail polish to others. Imagine the joy of giving someone a beautiful shade with a name like "Rebekah, Genesis 24" or "Esther 4:13-16." It's a simple yet impactful way to encourage your loved ones to strengthen their relationship with Christ and bring others closer to Him.